Developmental Coaching

Yesterday I had a conversation around the idea of Adult Development, the power of the word Yet, and the idea that as humans we are continually evolving, adapting and changing. It's what we do. This idea of transcending to another level through the different developmental stages is one that fascinates me. One of the concepts that came up in the conversation was "Who are you becoming" instead of accepting that as a person what we are now currently is all we will be. 

This idea of thinking about ones self as "Who are we becoming" means that we start to look at things differently and approach our mindset differently. Most people live, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of the a very small portion of the possible consciousness. They continue to walk down the same street, in the same habit, and falling into the same holes. 

Jennifer Garvey Berger discusses in depth some of the mindtraps that stop us from moving forward. 
Have a read of a few of them and think about from your perspective what is it that stops you?

1) We believe we are right. 

When we believe we are right we stop listening. We stop paying attention. We listen to win and we listen to fix. Again, another sticky on my computer: What do I believe - How could I be wrong- is a much  more powerful way of thinking about it . We don't listen to learn. 

2) We tell simple stories

We are trapped by our own narratives and the stories we tell ourselves. We are trapped by the simplistic nature of the stories. We need to have the simple stories to build new stories but how do we do this in such a complex world? We need to reframe our stories we tell ourselves - Try asking what are 3 different stories you could tell yourself instead of the 1 story. 

3) We enjoy it when we agree

It's a lot easier to agree with everyone around us, rather than delve for more understanding. We need to be able to disagree to expand all our possibilities. How can we grow if we always agree? Ask the tricky questions. Be brave and confident. Continue to question and dig deeply to learn. Be uncomfortable. 

4) We like to be in control

Let's face it - we are all trapped by control. We like it when we are sure about what is happening and how we call the shots. But this can also stop us from growing and taking risks. We need to create conditions or allow ourselves permission to be prepared to let go , to take the risk, to be more malleable. 

5: We protect our Identity

We are trapped by our Ego. This one links directly back to the quote at the beginning. We believe we are the same as we were 10 years ago  and that we are not going to change again. We link our identity with a job/a title/ a thing rather than our values, our beliefs. Ask yourself who you are - without giving yourself a title. 

Ask yourself these questions:

What are the 3 words you hope people would use to describe you?
What are 2 words that would make you cringe?

And then ask yourself

- How are the positive words holding you back?
- How are the negative words holding you back?

Some heavy thinking in this post - challenge yourself. And think about

- Who are you becoming??

Until next week. 


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