What's your mindset?

This quote has come up three times in three different places this week for me, hence the inspiration around my topic for today. It obviously was something that I needed to think about or needed to read, especially when it kept reoccurring throughout my week. I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason philosophy and always look at outcomes and how I can improve or change things in reflection. This is part of my personality and part of my growth mindset. Everything I've done through my life is reflected in this quote - I always put my best foot forward with anything new that I try and then I keep challenging, questioning, asking, researching, reading, discussing and pondering how I can do better. Either through my workplace, in my gym training or just in my personal life. Personal setbacks, whilst at times have been harrowing or emotionally draining, have forced me to then reflect on the fact that at the time I was doing my best but what have I learnt from it? Rather than pushing it aside I look at the learning that I have undertaken and how best to move forward in a positive way. My kids often say that I can always see a positive note in things and funnily enough its often my saying after a particular challenge - "Well on a positive note..." All of these things make up just some of the contributing factors in having a growth mindset. A growth mindset person doesn't let setbacks define them - they instead look at the setback as a problem to be faced, dealt with and then learned from. With a fixed mindset the loss of ones' self can be haunting. 

We can all choose our mindset, whether it be fixed or growth. There are some things that you may have a fixed mindset about that you don't even realise (mine was that my husband mows the lawn -it's just the way it is). And then we need to ask ourselves if we want to change this fixed mindset into something else - yes I could learn to mow the lawn but I actually don't want to! To develop our growth mindset we have to take risks, we have to experience failure, we have to pick ourselves up again and we have to ask ourselves time and time again - how can I learn from this? 

Looking at your life ask yourself this question:  Do you want to look back at your life and say 

- I could have been.. OR  
- I gave my all for the things that I value? 

What do you want to look back on? Choose your mindset. And then ask yourself how can you develop your growth mindset? An effective coach can help you do this by asking the right questions, by getting you to start to delving deeper into yourself (a scary thought for those that have a fixed mindset). 

I am going to write a lot more on this topic of fixed and growth mindset as there is so much information out there. Meanwhile continue to read and look for your own information. A good starting point that I consistently go back to: 

- Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck. 

Until next week keep doing your best, until you know better. 



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